The intent of our PSHE curriculum is to deliver a curriculum which is inclusive, accessible to all and ensures that each student will understand more about:
- how to play a positive and successful role within society
- how to keep themselves safe and healthy
- how to build, create and sustain meaningful relationships that lead to social fulfilment
- how to make informed and effective decisions and career choices and be financially independent.
We aim to equip students to understand more about how to become happy, well-rounded, successful citizens, ready to take their place in the world. They are encouraged to live healthy, safe, productive, capable, responsible and balanced lives.
Learners are provided with opportunities to reflect on and clarify their own values and attitudes, and explore the complex and conflicting range of values and attitudes encountered now and in the future. Learners will also develop interpersonal skills, enhancing their teamwork and personal skills.
Throughout Key Stage 3, PSHE focuses on three key themes:
living in the wider world
relationships and sex education
healthy living.
Learning across the three years includes topics such as:
– what makes safe, healthy relationships (across a variety of different types of relationship)
– healthy living decisions, including the dangers of drugs and smoking
– internet safety and responsible use of social media
– tolerance, prejudice and discrimination
– radicalisation and extremism
– immigration and diverse communities
– LGBTQ+ representation
– managing stress and anxiety
– peer pressure and body-image
– British values
– first aid and how to administer CPR
– careers, the workplace, employability and skills needed in the workplace
– finance and life goals
In Year 9, Students also participate in the First Give project, which aims to encourage students to engage with their local community and make a difference to the causes they care about through social action.
In Years 10 and 11, PSHE and Sex and Relationships Education are delivered through a sequence of assemblies workshops, tutor time discussions and Extended Learning Day opportunities, as well as being embedded in PRE lessons. External speakers and specialists include Youth Connexions, Herts Young Homeless, Dr Martijn van der Spoel and a specialist theatre company, covering topics such as:
– domestic abuse
– drug and alcohol awareness
– healthy and abusive relationships
– consent
– sexual health
– mindset, internal motivation and effectiveness
– study skills