Inclusion / SEND

Welcome to SEND at Ashlyns School. We aim is to provide positive whole school approaches towards the learning, progress and achievement of students with special educational needs or disability. We believe that all teachers are teachers of Special Educational Needs. Every teacher is responsible for the progress and development of all students in their class including those students who access support from teaching assistants or specialist staff.

The Inclusion Department is responsible for overseeing provision for students with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND).

Our Inclusion Co-ordinator (SENCO) is Mrs E Haezewindt.

At Ashlyns School, in line with the SEN Code of Practice (2014), we believe that most students’ needs will be met in the classroom through high-quality teaching. Most students will make progress through such teaching.

When a student has a special educational need they may receive additional support in class from our team of Teaching Assistants or short term intervention for a specific need. The interventions running, and the outside agencies working in school, vary according to current need in the school.

Currently we are running the following programmes in school:

  • additional literacy sessions
  • homework club
  • breakfast club
  • Lexia reading programme
  • reading plus reading programme
  • resilience groups
  • 1:1 tuition
  • Safeguarding & Pastoral Officer support
  • careers guidance

We also have a number of outside agencies currently working within the school:

  • Educational Psychologist
  • Dacorum Education Support Centre (DESC)
  • Speech and Language Therapist
  • Local Authority Advisers

The Inclusion Coordinator is available to discuss your child’s needs and can be contacted via the school office.

Admissions for all students to Ashlyns School are handled by the Local Education Authority, including for students with Education, Health and Care Plans, disabilities and Looked After Children. Please see the link on the side to view our Admissions Policy. Another useful link is to the Local Authority’s Local Offer which outlines support and services for SEND available within Hertfordshire: