Ashlyns School Association

The objective of the ASA is to raise funds to support Ashlyns School by:

  • Engaging in activities which support the school’s aims ad to further advance and enrich the education of the students attending it
  • Engaging and encouraging the parent, guardian, carer and local community in the support, development and enrichment of the school
  • Raising funds for items, events or suchlike which are not provided by statutory school funding around the key themes of Sports, Arts, Technology, Science, Languages and Inclusion.

With your help, we have raised over £200,000 in the last 10 years. Thank you to everyone who has supported us. The following are just a few examples of what we have been able to purchase recently for the school:

  • Minibus with disability ramp – to transport our students for sports fixtures and school trips
  • Specialist equipment for science, textiles, technology and music departments
  • Dyslexia reading pens and books for Inclusion
  • New projector screen and blinds for the Chapel
  • Dye sublimation printer
  • Canon camera and adapter
  • Drama workshop “Living the Dream”
  • Laser cutter
  • Raspberry Pi pico’s and boards
  • A class set of virtual reality headsets

We hold informal meetings to discuss fund-raising ideas, social events, and ways in which we can provide support to the school and students; we are always open to new suggestions and ideas, so please don’t hesitate to come along to a meeting, drop us a line via email, or message via our Facebook page.

Some of the regular events we have organised are:

  • Bags2School Clothing Collection
  • Halloween Ball for Year 7 and 8 students
  • Autumn Craft Fair
  • Quiz Nights
  • Tombola Stall at the Berkhamsted Festival of Light
  • Summer Concert BBQ and Bar
  • New to You Uniform Sale – all year round event
  • Christmas Hamper Raffle
  • Santa Sleigh with Berkhamsted Round Table
  • Carol Concert Refreshments
  • Christmas wreath making
  • Annual Ashlyns Festival and Comedy Night

We Need You….

Without your help and support none of the events the ASA run would be possible so please if you are able to spare a few hours once in a while to get involved with events then please Click on the “Get Involved” tab to see how else you can help.

Come along to an ASA meeting and see how you can help raise vital funds for your school and become part of the Ashlyns community. Not all events are aimed at raising money – sometimes it’s just a really nice social thing to do.

Who are the ASA….

The ASA itself is run by brilliant volunteers who give up their time to help facilitate the events, plan and market activities and liaise with the school about how the funds raised can be used. 

Chair and Trustee of ASA: Martin H

ASA Secretaries: Anna K and Nicola D

If you have the time and skills that could help the ASA develop further then please come along to an ASA meeting or contact me directly at the email address below and give as little or as much of your time when it suits you.

Stay In Touch….

Via email:

Via Facebook:

Thank you for your continued support.


ASA Chair
Ashlyns School Association