New technologies and increased media coverage, have brought new challenges to safeguarding procedures in schools and for families at home. Learning about e-safety – how to keep yourself safe online and protect your digital footprint – is a pivotal part of our school’s curriculum delivered through PSHE, Computer Science, assemblies and tutor time. Regular updates are provided to parents through the e-bulletin, and we guide parents to be proactive in reinforcing these messages through their own discussions and digital practice in the home. Please also see termly newsletters from Herts for Learning:
Internet Matters:
A multitude of advice for parents, families and young people on current digital safeguarding issues and practical guides on adjusting device privacy settings.
The Department for Education contains guidance for parents and carers on dealing with cyberbullying:
Advice from Google:
Watch some of the parents on Google talking about how they manage their child’s safety online and read safety tips from Google below; or read advice on specific safety issues such as inappropriate content and cyber bullying from child safety experts that we work with.
Thinkuknow (CEOP):
CEOP has launched ‘The Parents’ and Carers’ Guide to the Internet’, a light hearted and realistic look at what it takes to be a better online parent. The show covers topics such as, talking to your child about the technologies they use and the things they might see.
This resource highlights the gap that exists between children’s real experience online and adult awareness of these experiences. The presentation contains information about positive ways young people are using different technologies, what the risks are to users and it outlines practical advice in avoiding or minimising risks when using online and mobile technologies.