Music Tuition at Ashlyns

Extra-curricular music is thriving at Ashlyns school. Students may learn an instrument and tuition is provided by specialist music teachers from the Hertfordshire Music Service. We currently have a team of 8 peripatetic staff who visit the music block throughout the week. Tuition is available on all string, woodwind and brass instruments, as well as classical guitar, electric guitar, drum kit, piano, classical voice and rock/music theatre voice.

The peripatetic staff also run ensembles and these groups then feed the school orchestra and choir. The music block has a suite of practise rooms which fill up every break and lunch time with student musicians. Students are also encouraged to form their own groups and ensembles. A subsidy is also offered to those students studying Music at GCSE or A Level.

To register for music lessons in school with Hertfordshire Music Services please click here

If you have any queries about extra-curricular music lessons at Ashlyns please email