b'Key InformationGovernance community to ensure Ashlyns builds on SafeguardingSince joining this vibrant community, its successes to provide an outstandingAshlyns School is committed to I have had the pleasure of seeing the schoolquality of education. Our aim is simple - tosafeguarding and promoting the welfare of go from strength to strength. The schoolprovide an environment where students feelall students; our governors and staff all share Ashlyns Heritage has had a significant investment in andproud, happy and safeone where they arethis commitment. The school has policies expansion of its facilities and infrastructure,stimulated and are provided with a platformand procedures in place for safeguarding as well as continued improvements infor a successful future. We look forward toour students in line with the Local Authority examination performance for GCSE and you joining our community. and national guidance. The Child Protection A level students.Policy is available on our website. The school The governors act as a corporate body andAdmissions adheres to Safer Recruitment guidelines.have statutory responsibilities to ensureAshlyns School admits 240 students per Ashlyns is proud of its heritage datingIn 1951, Hertfordshire County Council tookthe school meets its legal requirementsyear into Year 7. All admissions are handledAshlyns School Associationback to the 18th century. Our journeyresponsibility for the educational element whilst also making strategic decisionson our behalf by the Local Authority atThe Ashlyns School Association (ASA) is run began when a retired sea captain, Thomasof the Hospital, and it was renamedand providing suitable challenge to theHertfordshire County Council, and inby parents/carers of our current students Coram, became concerned about theAshlyns School. The Coram FoundationHeadteacher in order to keep the schoolaccordance with our published admissionand plays an important role in the life of the number of unwanted children wanderingphased out boarders in 1955, when themoving forward. As a Foundation School, therules, available on our website: school. This very active group offers a great the streets of London and campaignedFoundation sold the buildings to theAshlyns Board has additional responsibilitieswww.ashlyns.herts.sch.uk/join-our-school opportunity for parents, staff and students to for a hospital to be built to accommodateCounty Council. The living accommodationregarding the school finances, as theAll applicants must complete the Commonengage in activities which support the schools them. In 1739 he was granted a Royalwas converted into classrooms andemployer and as custodian of the school site. Application Form of their home Localaims, boost facilities and further enrich the Charter and the hospital was establishedlaboratories, and a grammar stream wasOur most recent inspection in May 2018Authority. Hertfordshire residents shouldeducation and experiences of students.at Lambs Conduit Fields, Bloomsbury, added to the school, making Ashlyns theconfirmed the schools significant strengthsapply online to Hertfordshire County Council: Events during the year include the Christmas in 1742.first bilateral school in Hertfordshire.alongside the industrious, purposeful andwww.hertfordshire.gov.uk/admissionsCraft Fair, Quiz Night, the Festival of Lights and The Hospital Governors decided toBy 1972, Ashlyns School had become aproductive atmosphere in all lessons.Families resident in other authorities the Ashlyns Festival, a summer celebration relocate to a healthier environmentcomprehensive upper school, forming partPerhaps most importantly it also noted must complete the form provided by thein the magnificent grounds of Ashlyns outside London in 1926. The children wereof the three-tier system of education whichthat pupils are incredibly proud of theirauthority in which they live. Applicants forSchool, which helps to bring the whole town relocated to Redhill, whilst our magnificentoperated in Berkhamsted. 2013 heraldedschool and clearly enjoy attending. Ashlyns School do not need to complete together. Their programme of events can We were pleased the report also highlighted a Supplementary Information Form (SIF). be found on the school website, and ASA Georgian-style buildings, based on thea new chapter in Ashlyns history as weour ambition to improve and develop theupdates are given in our weekly e-Bulletin.original hospital, were completed in 1935.welcomed back students from the age ofschool still further and continue to workFurther information regarding the secondary Many features from the original hospital11 to become a secondary school again.tirelessly to do so. transfer process is also available online atcan be found in the school such as thethe Hertfordshire County Council website. stained glass in the Chapel, the beautifulOur staff and students are proud andAs governors, we are dedicated to schoolIf you have any queries regarding the staircase in the entrance hall and theconscious of their historic surroundingsimprovement and are proud to work withadmissions process please contact our carved fireplace in the old Board Room. and we have close links with the Coramthe staff, students, parents/carers and theAdmissions Officer on 01442 863605.Foundation (www.coram.org.uk). 16 | Ashlyns School Prospectus 2021-2022 www.ashlyns.herts.sch.uk | 17'